The main topic addressed during the meeting of the Interdepartmental Team for the Implementation of Energy Policy in Poland to 2030 related to priorities for energy strategy for Poland. The meeting of the team chaired by the Deputy Prime Minister, the Minister of Economy Janusz Piechociński, was held on 7 May 2013 in the Chancery of the Prime Minister office in Warsaw.
During the meeting the Minister of the Interior, Bartłomiej Sienkiewicz, presented conclusions from the report concerning Gas Memorandum.
Participants also discussed the scope and division of tasks regarding development of energy strategy for Poland.
The meeting was attended by heads of the following government departments: finance, the interior, treasury, agriculture and rural development, science and higher education, environment, foreign affairs, transport, construction and maritime economy. The meeting was also attended by the Head of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister and the vice-president of the Government Permanent Committee.
According to the “Polish Energy Policy until 2030” the market share of renewable energy in total energy consumption in Poland will rise to 15% in 2020 and to 20% in 2030. The share of biofuels on the fuel market is planned to reach 20% in 2020.

PEG is expected to produce 3.63 m kWh per year.

One photovoltaic power plant reduces CO2 emission by about 3.5 thousand tonnes a year.

In accordance with the Polish Institute of Meteorology and Water Management the locations PEG power plants had over 1900 hours of sun exposition in the year 2011