Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyczne Gubin sp. z o.o.
ul. Giżycka 1/10
60-106 Poznań
Tel./Fax: 61 825 3122
NIP (VAT Number): 7792406163
REGON: 302134965
KRS (National Court Register): 0000423661
District Court Poznań – Nowe Miasto i Wilda in Poznan
VIII Economic Department of the National Court Register
Share capital: 100,000 PLN
Bank Ochrony Środowiska S.A.
Account: 78 1540 1056 2105 9093 4151 0001
President of the Board: Mariusz Urbański
Vice-President of the Board: Wojciech Wojciechowski

PEG is expected to produce 3.63 m kWh per year.

One photovoltaic power plant reduces CO2 emission by about 3.5 thousand tonnes a year.

In accordance with the Polish Institute of Meteorology and Water Management the locations PEG power plants had over 1900 hours of sun exposition in the year 2011